Dear Reader!
Here, with you, we will explore some methods for keeping our kidneys, healthy and strong by using inversion therapy.
So, what do you know about your kidneys?
Do you know what their purpose is and how they work?
How can the inversion therapy help them?
Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs, which are just below your rib-cage, behind your digestive organs on both sides of your spine. [1]

The main job of your kidneys is to clear the toxins out of your body, which are in your blood. They also expel all excess and not used substances though your urine.[2]
Once you start using inversion therapy, you will experience improvement infunctioning of your kidneys. All processes will happen spontaneously through decompression, re-alignment and increase in the blood circulation while you are upside down.[3]
Additionally, for your clarity I added scientifically based video on your kidneys:
- Biology of the Kidneys and Urinary Trackt, by Merck Manuals: []
What Not to Do
- Alcohol – make your kidneys functioning harder and, as a result, they are not able to fully filter your blood;[5]
- Added sugar – increases the amount of fat that accumulates in your kidneys, and makes your bladder working hard;
- Reduce the salt intake – it makes your kidneys exhausted;[6]
- Try to reduce smoking and if you can, stop it – some studies show that with smoking reduces the flow the blood vessels of your kidneys, which lead to the inefficient functioning of them.[7] Moreover, this will increase your blood pressure and arising the risk of kidney cancer;[7][6]
- Obesity – can cause a chronic kidney disease;[8]
- Eat junk food – makes it difficult to you kidneys to clean your blood; what’s more, it is scientifically proven that this can cause as much harm to your kidneys as diabetes type2;[9]
- Over hydrated – your kidneys cannot absorb and the liquids and you bladder can work in its full efficiency;[6]
- Sedentary lifestyle – leads to kidney damaging (reduces their functioning);[10]
- Too much stress – increase your blood pressure and damages your kidneys;[11] manage stress and you will create a balanced state to your kidneys;
What to Do
- Eat a healthy diet – choose the foods that make your kidneys work without any strain;
- Be well hydrated –This makes easy to you kidneys to clean the toxins of your body. It also helps the prevention of developing kidney stones.[7]
- Walking – synchronizes your overall weight, and simultaneously the excessive weight around your liver got reduced; additionally, eases the work of your kidneys;
- Exercise – while exercising your kidneys functioning increases, which is beneficial for your lymphatic system, blood vessels, internal organs, muscles, bones and joints;[12]
- Swimming – reduces the amount of fat in the cells of your body; increasing the amount of oxygen in your sells and lowering your blood sugar, by which improves functioning of your kidneys;[13]
- Yoga for your kidneys – ensures that oxygen and blood pass freely through them; lowering your blood pressure, cleaning toxins, stimulate your blood flow and decreases the levels of sodium and creatinine;[14]
- Inversion therapy – activates a good blood flow and oxygen circulation throughout your body, which also stimulates your internal organs to work better, with less effort, including your kidneys and bladder;[15]
The inversion therapy is been used for centuries for back pain and spinal problems. What is additionally applied it for is to stimulate and rejuvenate the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and all internal organs in your body, as well as your kidneys.
Most popular means to approach inversion is via:
- Specific yoga poses;
- Aerial yoga;
- Gravity boots;
- Inversion chairs;
- Inversion tables;
Because I’ve been using inversion table for a long time, I will show you some exercises on this tool, with which you will gain benefits for your kidneys.
Since you practice them regularly, your renal system will function perfectly well and will stay healthy.[2]
Moreover, organs of your renal system remain flexible, and, thus, effective.[2]
With the following exercises, physical and breathing, on the inversion bench, we will alleviate and improve the work of our kidneys:
Warn Up
We will begin with warming up to prepare for practice and to open and increase blood and lymphatic circulation to and from your kidneys and bladder:
- Starting with swinging, at least 5-10x repetitions; (relaxing muscles, opens joints, connecting breath and movement and strengthening you bladder, rehydrating your kidneys and cleaning kidney stones)
- After that relax at 20, 40, 60 degrees or fully inverted, for at least 3x full breathes;
Exercise1 = Bow Pose
- As your are lying on your back, fully inverted
- Walk your hands backwards, as far as you can
- Stray here for 10 full breaths
Results: In this posture you will bettering of your kidneys’ functioning; if your practice it for long period of time, there will be no kidney stones.[16]
Exercise2 = Half Spinal Twist
- Place one arm on the floor
- With other arm grab the frame
- Twist towards the arm on the floor, and gaze at this direction
- Remain here for 5 full breaths
- Return to center, and
- Switch sides
- Repeat the same pattern
- When finish return to the center
Results: Here you will feel stimulation in your kidney.[17]
Exercise3 = Bridge Pose
- While still here, upside down, place your palms under your hips and put your elbows on the inversion table, just underneath of your palms
- If you can, place the top of your head on table, so your body is forming a bridge
- If you are not able, remain on the back of your head, and make sure your neck stays totally loose
- Stay here for 5 to 10 full breaths
- Then, release and relax
Results: You will experience intense stimulation in the organs of your renal system.[17]
Now returning on your belly on the table we will do the following exercises:
Exercese4= Cobra Pose
- When fully inverted, place your palms under your shoulders
- Your forearms next to your rib cage, elbows facing backwards
- Press on your palms and lift your head as far as you can, by trying your ears to go far from your shoulders and shoulder blades getting closer together
- Look between your eyebrows
- Relax your lower back, relax your abdominal muscles and
- Take 5 full breaths
- Then release and relax
Results: It opens the area around your kidneys, stretches your renal system and removes all blockages, such as kidneys stones.[17]
Exercise5 = Sphinx Pose
- Slowly and carefully get upside down
- Put your elbows just under your shoulders and your forearms on the table
- Raise your head and gaze between your eyebrows
- Make sure that your ears to go far from your shoulders and shoulder blades getting closer together
- Relax your lower back, relax your abdominal muscles and
- Take 5 to 10 full breaths here
- When finish – release
Results: This pose stretches and strengthens your abs, including your kidneys and bladder.[18]
Exercise6 = Crocodile Pose
- Interlock your fingers behind your neck and with inhaling turn the whole body to the right. Stay here for 5 full breaths
- Return to the center.
- And now, turn to the left. Stay here for 5 full breaths
- Return to the center
- Release
Results: Improves blood circulation in your body and the functioning of your kidneys and your bladder increases;
Going back with our back on the inversion table, we will finish with some breathing techniques for our kidneys and bladder:
When you are at the most comfortable slope for you, we will begin with Kapalabhati Pranayama, aka “Breath of Fire”
Exercise7: Kapalabhati Pranayama, aka “Breath of Fire”
- With active forceful inhalation and passive exhalation we will do 3-5rounds with 10reps
- When finish relax in this position
Results: It relaxing the tense muscles and internal cuts around them. It also balances the creatinine level. In addition, it massages and stimulates your kidneys.[19]
Exercise8: Using the sound ‘You’ when exhaling
- While here, inhale fully trough your nose and then
- Exhale through your mouth with the sound “Youuuu”
- Repeat it at least 5 times
Results: This activates your kidneys’ functioning and at the same time cleansing them.[20]
Exercise9: Alternate Nostril Breathing x3rounds
- Exhale completely
- Close your right nostril with your right hand thumb
- Inhale though your left nostril
- Pause for a while
- Close your left nostril with your right hand ring-finger
- Release the thumb and Exhale though your right nostril
- Inhale through your right nostril
- Close it with the thumb
- Open your left nostril and Exhale
- This is 1 round
- Make at least 3 rounds
Results: It improves blood circulation and oxygen supply in the abdominal area. What’s more, it improvers and enhances the strength of your kidneys.[19]
Exercise10: Finish with few Normal Breaths
- Relax your hands on the floor with palms facing up
- Your head and neck relaxed on the inversion table
- Take 3 to 5 normal breaths
Note: For those of you who don’t feel ready, process slowly and gradually.
Note: To take full advantage of this, try following this sequence, without interruption.
Note: If you need a toilet during the practice – stop, use the toilet, then drink some water (for hydration) and wait 5 – 10 minutes. After that, start from the beginning.
Note: The practice you can find on the following link on my youtube channel:
Subsequently, when doing these exercises, you will gain overall healthy results, and to your kidneys as well.[2]
If you ask yourself why I should do all these exercises with inversion therapy?
The answer is simple:
- Because the gravity work on my behalf and, besides, helps me do all these exercises with ease.
- Moreover, my entire body – including muscles and fascia are in complete rest, which makes the functioning of my internal organs, including my kidneys and my renal system, more effective.
- Therefore, I will take it as the long waited restorative rest for my whole body.
All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.
- For those of you with high blood pressure or any other cardiovascular conditions, please ask your doctor for their approval whether or not to use inversion therapy;
- If you are having some historical or present brain conditions, please consult with the medical specialist and neurologist before start practicing this therapy;
- Check with your doctor or physical practitioner if you have glaucoma and other health issues before starting inversions;
- For pregnant women it is recommended to avoid inverting;
- This is strongly recommended for those of you who have recently had injuries or surgery to start with invasion therapy, only after your full recovery;
Be aware of the fact that your kidney cleansing your body.
With inversion therapy, which is effective, free of cost and time-saving method, you will therefore be having clean, strong, healthy and efficiently functioning kidneys and the whole renal system as well.
As a result, you will enjoy a perfect health, positive mood and happiness.