Dear All!
Your lymphatic system is a part of circulatory system.
As it’s known the lymphatic fluid is a static fluid.
How does lymphatic system look like?
Below is a simple drawing of it:

How does it work?
Here is an animation of the functioning of your lymphatic system[2]:
How can we help the circulation of the lymphatic fluid?
There are number of ways, which include movement, activities, cardio, athletics, manual therapies and a lot more.
But the most effective, energy saving and easy to perform is the Inversion Therapy.
First and foremost, when we are upside down, the gravity is doing its job itself to improve the movement of lymphatic liquid and open your blocked lymph vessels.
Secondly, whatever you do while inverted, there is not such effort as to all other methods.
Finally, you can do it anywhere and anytime you want.
Who will benefit form that?
Everyone: at any age and of any type of personality.
This will be beneficial for people who don’t walk too often, those who sit a long time in one position, for people with static work, for elderly people and many more.
Inversion therapy could be performed in several different ways, for example:
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Aerial yoga
- Gravity boots
- Inversion chairs
- Inversion tables
As I have been using inversion table for more than 5 years, I will show you some exercises on it, with which you will stimulate and activate the circulation of the lymphatic fluid throughout your body.
The set of exercises are:
Warm up:
- We will start with 10 swings
- Preparing your body for the practice
- Stimulating your lymphatic circulation
1st Exercise: Twisting
- When we are on the most comfortable inversion angle, grab your elbows above your head and with inhaling turn to the right.
- Return to the center
- While inhaling – turn to the left
- This is one cycle
- We do 5 cycles
- Opens your lymphatic channels
2nd Exercise: Breathing – Bhastrika
While you are still at that pose do 3 rounds of 10 reps of forceful inhalation and exhalation, which is called Bhastrica breathing[3], as known as Breath of Fire:
- We start slowly on the first round with active Inhalation to the top of your head, opening your chest, and follows with passive exhalation.
- We repeat this sequence x10 times, which is one round.
- Then we will do 3 rounds.
- Stimulates movement of your lymphatic fluid through your lymphatic channels
- Opens lymph blocked nodes
Note: People with epilepsy should avoid this
3nd Exercise: Breathing – Kapalabhati
As you are at this position we will do 3 rounds of 10 repetitions of Kapalbhati breathing[4]:
- We start slowly on the first round with active Inhalation to the back of your head, which follows with passive exhalation.
- We repeat this sequence x10 times, which is one round.
- Then we do the next 2 rounds with a faster pace.
- Opening your blocked lymphatic channels
Note: People with epilepsy should avoid this
4th Exercise: Breathing – Alternate Nostril Breathing
We continue with Alternate Nostril Breathing.
The pattern of Alternate Nostril Breathing is as follows:
- Close your right nostril with your right hand thumb.
- Inhale though the lift nostril.
- Close the left nostril with you index finger.
- Open your right nostril and exhale.
- Inhale through your right nostril.
- Close it
- Open your left nostril and exhale.
This is one round.
We do at least 3 rounds.
- Directing the circulation of the lymphatic liquid in your body
5th Exercise: Breathing – Bhramari
Before we go for relaxation we will finish with Bhramari breathing, as known as Bee-like buzzing:
- Deep inhale
- Exhale with the sound “M-m-m”, until you empty your lungs
- We do at least 5 Bhramari breathings
- Activates your Vagus nerve, which is the longest nerve in your body and connected to all your internal organs and circulatory system, including you lymphatic system.
- Calms your nervous system, and at the same time, helps the opening of your lymphatic channels and blocked lymphatic vessels.
6th Exercise: Relaxation
- In this position continue with conscious full breathing for at least 5 circles.
- Calming your nervous system and makes the movement of the lymphatic liquid without and pressure on its channels.
Here is the link with demonstration of the set of the exercises:
All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.
- Before involving the child to any inversion practices, I would strongly urge that you first have a consultation with the child’s doctor who will determine whether it is suitable for your kid. Inversion therapy used by people under the age of 14 should be compulsory in the attendance of an adult;
- For the people with vertigo or high blood-pressure must first consult with their medical practitioner;
- Women, who are in their pregnancy, is advised to avoid inverting;
- For women after pregnancy, this therapy will be beneficial;
- People with epilepsy should avoid Bhastrika and Kapalabhati breathing;
Final Thoughts
With inversion therapy your lymphatic liquid movement throughout your body will be greatly improved.
This brings a harmonious functioning of your lymphatic system by opening all swollen lymph nodes.
Additionally your immune system is becoming more effective.
On the top of that, you body as a whole will rejuvenate.
- Blausen 0623 LymphaticSystem Female – Lymphatic system – Wikipedia
- Bhastrika – Wikipedia