Dear Reader!
Do you know how your spine looks like?
Have you ever asked yourself what is the purpose of your spine and how it works?
Probably sometime of your life you have experienced some pain connected to your back?
Definitely you have wandered how to protect or cure your spine?
This is the purpose of this material to show you how with retraction of your spine with inversion therapy, the pain in you back will disappear.
Consequently, you will restore another pain in your body, which was a result of your back issues.
Let’s fist answer to above questions.
Then we will go through some exercises on inversion table for retracting you spine and gain healthy and mental benefits.
Spinal structure:

I’ve added some links to youtube for your deeper understanding of the spinal anatomy: [][]
In each region of the spine you can experience different kind of back issues, and they are cause by:
- Kyphosis – this is an excessive curvature of the spinal column, which develops is thoracic and sacral areas;[4]
- Scoliosis – this is an abnormal curve of the spine, when spine bones twisted or rotated, which would look like “C” or “S”; curvature related to both the thoracic and lumbar regions of the vertebral column;
- Lordosis – this is when the spine develops an excessive inward curvature, at the upper, sacral back area and at the lower, lumbar, back area;
- Sciatica – sciatica is not a disease of any kind; it is a result of the irritation, compression or damages of the sciatic nerve; the sciatic nerve is actually made up of two nerve roots – L4 and L5, which start from the lower lumbar spine and three nerve roots – S1, S2 and S3, which start from the sacrum.
More detailed information for above mentioned issues and their treatment, you can find on my web site:
Warn Up
We will begin with warm ups to prepare for practice and to open and increase blood and lymphatic circulation around your spine and all parts of your body:
- Starting with swinging, at least 5-10x repetitions; (relaxing muscles, opens joints, connecting breath and movement and simultaneously extending your spine);
- After that relax at 20, 40, 60 degrees or fully inverted, for at least 3x full breathes;
Exercise1 = Grab your elbows above your head
- Grab your elbows above your head
- Stray here for 10 full breaths
Results: You will feel stretch and opening on both sides of your torso, spine, shoulder blades, shoulders and your neck
Exercise2 = Spinal Twist
- Place both arms on the floor, facing backwards
- Slowly twist to the right, with the hips fixed to the bench
- Gaze at this direction and take 5 full breaths
- Return to center, and
- Switch sides
- Repeat the same pattern
- When finish return to the center
Results: Here you will feel side extension and ribcage opening and spinal rotation.
When we are done, we go to starting position and returning on our belly on the table from where we will continue the following exercises:
Exercise3 = Spinal Extension
- Next, go to the center, grab the frame underneath and start pressing your feet backwards, in the direction of your back, then release them. Repeat this at least 5x times.
- After that, grad the frame the top and repeat the same for at least 5x times.
- Then stretch your arms forward, past your head, and fix your palms on the floor. Now repeat the same exercise, with 5 repetitions, or more.
Results: Extending your spinal column, and opens your chest and shoulders
Exercise4 = Spinal Retraction
- Relax your pelvic floor muscles, your back muscles and your neck muscles;
- Your forehead in on the bench
- Your spine is straight without any tension
- Grab the handles of the inversion table with your hands
- Straightening your elbows fully, until you will get pulling sensation in you spinal column
- Remain here for 5 to 10 full breaths
- Then release and relax your hands on the floor
Results: Elongation of your spine, widening the intervertebral space and straightening of your spinal column.
Note1: To gain the best results, you will need to be determined and persistent.
Note2: For those of you who don’t feel ready, process slowly and gradually.
Note3: To take full advantage of this, try following this sequence, without interruption.
Note4: If you need a toiler during the practice – stop, use the toilet, then drink some water (for hydration) and wait 5 – 10 minutes. After that, start from the beginning.
Note5: The practice you can find on the following link on my youtube channel:
All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.
- Consult with your medical practitioner before starting the inversion therapy;
- For those of you with high blood pressure or any other cardiovascular conditions, please ask your doctor for their approval whether or not to use inversion therapy;
- If are having some historical or present brain conditions, please consult with the medical specialist and neurologist before start practicing this therapy;
- Check with your doctor or physical practitioner if you have glaucoma and other health issues before starting inversions;
- For pregnant women it is recommended to avoid inverting;
- This is strongly recommended for those of you who have recently had injuries or surgery to start with invasion therapy, only after your full recovery;
Applying this practice as your daily routine:
- You will avoid spinal surgery;
- It doesn’t take a lot of time;
- Low cost in a long run;
- Rejuvenates all you body and mind;
Last, but not the least, it will make you feel healthy, happy and with positive mindset.