Dear Reader!
Have you ever had a problem with your shoulders?
What did you do overcome the conditions caused by your shoulders and shoulder blades blockages?
If you don’t have the answer on the above question, I will give you some solutions by using inversion table.
You can also apply fitness, yoga, swimming and you name them. However, with inversion table you will have the gravity doing most of the job.
Before that, let’s explore what our shoulders are and how they function.
Your shoulder consists of three bones, cartilage between them, ligaments, tendons and group of muscles that support them.[1]

Additionally, I’ve included a youtube sample with anatomy and physiology animation, for your clearer understanding – []
In the following exercises, we will stay for 10x full breaths, which is almost 2 minutes.
2 minutes is the time for your body to relax, stretch and get the results.
Moreover, the gravity itself will help you to achieve these results, without any physical tension from you.
So, let’s begin:
Warm up
When on the inversion table, lying on our back, we will start with 10 swings.
Results: warming up our body, relaxing muscle groups and relieving the tension in our joints.
Exercise1 = Grab your elbows above your head
- Grab your elbows above your head
- Stay here for 10 full breaths
- Switch and continue for another 10 full breaths
Results: You will feel stretch and opening on both sides of your torso, spine, shoulder blades, shoulders and your neck
Exercise2 = Cross body shoulder stretch
- Place one hand straight, crossing your chest and perpendicular to your body; with other hand supports the straight hand;
- After 10 full breaths, switch hands and stay on the other side for 10 full breaths;
Results: Open shoulders, shoulder blades and side muscles of your rib cage.
Exercise3 = One hand behind the back
- Raise your right hand over your head, bend it from the elbow and walk your fingers on the back of the table, imagining that this is your spine. With your left hand help the right one to go as far as it could. Stay at this position for 10 full breaths.
- Switch hands and repeat the same with you left hand bend and right hand supporting for 10 full breaths.
Results: Opening your shoulders, shoulder blades, side torso muscles and chest muscles. It also stretches your abdominal, spinal and back muscles.
Exercise4 = Crossed forearms in front
- Extend your arms straight forward, perpendicular to your body. Cross your arms so that your right hand is above your left hand. Then bend them at the elbows and touch your palms as much as possible. Keep your forearms parallel to your body and your elbows level with your shoulders. Keep your ears away from your shoulders. Stay here for 10 full breaths.
- And switch arm and remain for 10 full breaths.
Results: Opening your shoulders and shoulder blades.
Exercise5 = Rotating straight hands from shoulders
- Return to the slope of 20 degrees. Spread your hands, perpendicular to your body and start rotating them from your shoulders. Make sure that rotation is just from your shoulders – your elbows and wrists are fixed.
- Do 10 rotations in forward direction, then,
- Do 10 rotations in backward direction.
Results: Opens shoulder joints, shoulder blades and stretches your chest muscles.
Exercise6 = Hanging hands
- While in this position, with your hands perpendicular to your body, rest your hands and let them hang down freely.
- Stay here for 10 full breaths.
- After that spread your straight hands behind your ears, above your head and remain at this position for 10 full breaths.
Results: Your shoulders and shoulder blades are opening, your chest muscles extending and neck muscles are relaxing and extending.
Go back to a starting position and return on your belly.
Exercise7 = Cross body shoulder stretch
- We will repeat this stretch, but now your straight right arm is lying under your chest, and the left arm is grabbing the frame.
- Stray here for 10 full breaths and
- Switch the arms – your left arm is under your chest and right one is grabbing the frame, and stay here for 10 full breaths.
Results: Opening your shoulders, your shoulder blades and extending your side torso muscles.
Exercise8 = Straight hands clasped behind the back
- Straighten your hands behind you and clasp them; stay here for 10 full breaths.
- Now, since you are here, clasp your hands opposite to the previous one, so palms facing the ceiling, and remain in this pose for 10 full breaths.
Results: Opening your shoulders and your chest muscles. You will also feel extension of back muscles and relaxation in your neck muscles.
Exercise9 = Interlocked hands behind the back
- While almost fully inverted, raise your right hand above your head, bend it from the elbow and walk your fingers as far as you can down to your spine. Then, twist your left hand behind and try to interlock the fingers or hands behind your back. Stay here for 10 full breaths.
- Switch the hands and repeat the same on the other side for 10 full breaths.
- Modification: if you can’t reach your hand behind you back, use towel, robe, strap or belt.
Results: Opening you shoulder joints and shoulder blades, stretching and opening your shoulder muscles and also your chest, torso and abdominal muscles.
Notes for the practice:
- Important – when finish, take a rest for 5 – 15 minutes, lying on the inversion table, on the floor or on the bed, for calming and restoring your nervous system; after that you will fell fresh and ready to tackle any task.
- You can do these exercises any time and as many times as you want to. Just make sure you haven’t eaten at least 3 hours before the practice and 30 minutes after that.
- To gain the best results, you will need to be determined and persistent.
- For those of you who don’t feel ready, process slowly and gradually.
- To take full advantage of this, try following this sequence, without interruption.
- If you need a toiler during the practice – stop, use the toilet, then drink some water (for hydration) and wait 5 – 10 minutes. After that, start from the beginning.
Note: The practice you can find on the following link on my youtube channel:
With all these exercises, you will have increased blood supply and lymphatic circulation to your shoulders’ joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilages, bones and muscles.
This, consequently, improves your shoulders’ mobility and range of motions.
All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.
- Consult with your medical practitioner before starting the inversion therapy;
- For those of you with high blood pressure or any other cardiovascular conditions, please ask your doctor for their approval whether or not to use inversion therapy;
- If are having some historical or present brain conditions, please consult with the medical specialist and neurologist before start practicing this therapy;
- Check with your doctor or physical practitioner if you have glaucoma and other health issues before starting inversions;
- For pregnant women it is recommended to avoid inverting;
- This is strongly recommended for those of you who have recently had injuries or surgery to start with invasion therapy, only after your full recovery;
When we have our shoulders open, we have our back open, our chest open, our heart open, our breathing becomes easy, and, additionally, all the tension there and around our neck and head is released.