Dear all!
Hey, have you ever given birth?
If yes, you most possibly you have a back pain issues, caused of that.
Most of the women in their post-pregnancy I have been in contact with have complaints about the back pain.
As I have an experience with inversion therapy for more than 5 years and know the benefits of it, I felt it is my duty to assist those mothers by providing tools for dealing with their pack pain problems with inversion table.
The method that I am providing could help post-pregnancy mothers, those mothers who gave birth a time ago and have back pain issues to get rid of them.
It is also for their spouse who would like to support them.
Why exactly inversion therapy, on inversion table?
Because, while you are upside down on the inversion table, the gravity, itself, makes a lot easier the recovery of your post-pregnancy back pain.
The Main Post-Pregnancy Back Pain Issues are:
- Mostly in Lumbar Part of your Spine, ones excessive Lumbar Lordosis, and additionally Sciatica;
- In Thoracic Spinal Part, as known as Kyphosis;
- Rarely but is also common are in the Cervical Part of your spine, which is known as Cervical Lordosis;
Bellow I am showing you some illustrated samples of them:

Further down are sets of exercises for recovering your back pain, caused by pregnancy, which are mostly on inversion table and some on the floor.
Warm up:
- We start with 5-10 swings;
- Warming up our the body, joints and muscle groups, and
- Preparing us for the practice;
Exercise1 = Twists
- While inverted in the most comfortable level of 20, 40, 60 degrees or fully upside down, we stat to twist to the right and then to the left, several times.
- When turning to the side inhale.
- Back to the center – exhale.
- We will do 5 to 10 rounds.
- Remove the blockages in your muscles, joints and hips.
Exercise2 = Walking Hands Far Behind our Head
- Since you are fully inverted, walk your hands behind your head, as far as you can.
- When you reach your limit, stay here for 10 full breaths.
- Then release and relax your hands on the floor, above your head with palms one over the other, facing up.
- Your spine is extending.
- Your chest is opening.
- The stiffness in your lower back got reduced and lately completely will completely disappear.
Breathe in and then with breathing out, we are going to the starting position.
From here return and fix yourself, facing the table.
Exercise3 = Extending the Spine
- When inverted in our best feeling level, we start with Sphinx pose and will stay here for 5-10 full breaths.
- Then placing our hands on the table and continue with Full Cobra pose; make sure your wrist are bellow your shoulders and your ears as far as you can from your shoulders. We will remain in this pose for 5-10 full breaths.
- You will feel the reducing the tension in your lower back.
- Extending your Cervical Spine = recovering the cervical lordosis.
- You will experience extension in your thoracic spinal part = removing your kyphosis.
- The tightness in your pelvic and lower back will disappear.
Return to the starting position and go off the table.
- Go to a squat position with feet flat on the floor, at a hip width apart.
- Stay here for 10 full breaths.
- You will feel relaxation and straightening of your spine.
- Your hip joint and muscles will extend and release.
The following exercises are extremely effective, but make sure your body is prepared for them. That means, don’t push your body over its limits.
- Now place your knees on the floor, as close to each other as possible.
- Sit on the floor between your feet.
- Place your hands on your hips, with palms facing down.
- From here elevate your pelvic and start moving it back and forward, such like as it is on one axle. When you move it backwards – breathe in, and when you move it forward – breathe out.
- Do this 5 times.
- Place your hands under your armpits, with palms facing down.
- Repeat the same pattern.
- Then place your hand on you back with your elbows facing the up.
- And repeat the same pattern.
- Hips joints flexion increases.
- The pressure on your back especially on you lower back, decreases.
- Extending and strengthening the muscle around your hips and your torso.
- Remain in the sitting position with your knees on the floor and your buttocks between your feet.
- Slowly and carefully lei back on the floor.
- Remain here for 5 full breaths
- When finish, interlace you fingers behind your head and relax with your elbows on the floor.
- With breathing in start turning to the right, while sliding your arm and torso, as far as you can.
- With breathing out, return to the center.
- With breathing in start turning to the left, while sliding your arm and torso, as far as you can.
- With breathing out, return to the center.
- Repeat this cycle 3 times and then relax here for 5 full breaths.
- You will gain an extension in your spine.
- There will be no longer stiffness and pain in your lower back.
- You will increase the flexibility and strength throughout your body.
When done, slowly and gently, lie down on the floor and relax for at least 5 minutes.
Here is the link with demonstration of the set of the exercises:
All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.
- Most importantly, consult first with your doctor.
- Start these exercises not earlier than 3 months post-pregnancy.
- For the people with vertigo or high blood-pressure must first consult with their medical practitioner.
Final Thoughts
The inversion therapy is energy saving therapy.
It is the most effective and inexpensive method for recovery after giving a birth, comparing to other therapies, without neglecting the benefits of them.
Most importantly it is time saving and you can do it whenever and wherever you want.