Dear Reader!
We are going to look how we can obtain healthy lungs and how we can make our breath capacity far more efficient by using inversion therapy.
In the following description I will give you some basics of our breath and lungs functioning.
First of all, let’s see how our respiratory system looks like.
Human respiratory system consists of:
- Nasal cavity
- Pharynx
- Larynx
- Trachea
- Bronchi
- Bronchioles
- Alveoli
- Lungs
- Diaphragm


Our lungs are the center of our respiratory system.[3]
The respiratory system supplies the cells in our body with oxygen, so they are kept all the time rejuvenated.[1]
Another important function of our lungs is to receive oxygen from the environment and carry it into the bloodstream.[4]
When we exhale, our lungs release carbon dioxide, which is carried from the blood to them.[3]
The process of our breathing
When we inhale and exhale, the air enters and then exit through our nose or mouth and travels[3]:
- through the throat into the trachea
- then into the lungs through the right and left main bronchi
- to the smaller bronchi airways
- going into the smaller bronchiole tubes
- and reaches the alveoli
- there is exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide from blood capillaries
For your deeper understanding, I’ve added some scientific material:
- Our Lung Function – Lung Volumes and Capacity are illustrated by Armando Hasudungan[5];
- Lung Foundation Australia[6] is vitally explaining how your lungs work;
- Your mechanism of breathing is precisely animated by Alila Medical Media[7]
- Besides, here is illustration how in straight and inverted position your lungs are cleansing from liquids:

Precautions for Respiratory System and Lungs
What not to do:
- Smoke tobacco and wood smoke;
- Live or/and work in places with polluted or/and stagnant air;
- Always being stressed;
- Eat heavy and junk food;
- Consume a lot alcohol and sweet drinks;
- Lead a sedentary life;
What to do:
- Avoid smoking;
- Keep away from polluted places and environment;
- Be aware of the health condition of the people you meet;
- Make sure your home is dust free and protected from mold;
- Have a regular health check-ups with your doctor;
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and high-fiber and whole grains foods;
- Drink plenty of water and a coffee a day;
- Maintain your oral and body hygiene;
- Have enough sleep;
- Get a regular walking or jogging though the Nature;
- Take some exercised;
- Do yoga, pilates or/and aerial yoga;
- Use inversion therapy;
Inversion Therapy for Healthy Lungs and Increasing the Breath Capacity
Inversion therapy is known for centuries BC. Recent studies show that when hanging and your head is lower than heart, respectively the spine, there is decompression on your spine. Thus, if you have a back pain, it got reduced or completely removed.[9]
Furthermore, this therapy has а long proven benefits to our respiratory system. Its great advantage is that the gravity that presses our chest and reduces the capacity of our lungs, is now drawn to them, and increasing the chest volume. What’s more, our blood moves from the legs to the upper part of our body – where our lungs, heart, and brain are situated.[8]
Besides, when the pressure on our lungs is reduced, our breathing becomes easy and casual. Therefore, in long-run we receiving a great benefits for our breathing, and increase its capacity.[9]
The most popular tools that you can use for inversion therapy are gravity boots, inversion chairs or inversion tables.
Since I’m using an inversion table, I’m going to show you some practical applications on the following videos:
Warm up:
We will start with warming up as we inverted on 20, 40, 60 to 90 degrees – full inversion.
On each stage we take 3 to 5 full breathes.
Go to what extent you feel comfortable.
Exercise 1 – Swinging:
- While we are at up-position with the table, we keep our hands are next to our body.
- At the moment we start swinging down, our hands gradually open, forming circle trajectory until they got above our head and we are completely inverted.
The breath pattern is as follows: when the head is down (we are upside down) – Inhale; when the head is up (we are up) – Exhale.
Start with 10 repetitions and gradually increase them to the number you well fine.
With swinging our lungs work in their complete capacity, as the chest opens fully and there is a blood supply to all parts of the lungs.
- When we are up-straight the lower sections of the lungs are more active;
- As soon as we are upside down the upper segments of the lungs got open;
- Once we are swinging all parts of the lungs are functioning efficiently;
- While we swinging our breathing capacity is improving;
- At the moment we are from top down, we’re turning to right and inhale, return to the center – turning to the left – exhale. We do at least 3 repetitions.
- While in this, fixed, stance we can cross hands behind the neck and when turning right we inhale, return to the center – exhale, turn to the left – inhale, back to the center – exhale. This is one circle. Try to do at least 3 circles.
- In addition, when fully inverted, we turn to the right, (and optional we hold for 10 breaths), then turn to the left (and optional hold for 10 breaths) – repeat 10x times.
With these exercises your chest is opening and your breath capacity is enhancing.
Now we are lying with face to the table.
Reversed Exercise 3:
Taking so called “cobra” pose and do the following:
- Remain static on it for 10 full breathes, or/and;
- Dynamic – while here inhale and take your head up, exhale – return your head down so your chin touches your chest; repeat it 10 times;
This opens our chest and shoulders and makes our breathing move easy.
Warning: apply these reversed exercises just when you feel ready for it.
Now we are back on our back on the table.
Breathing Practice and Rest:
Be on whatever grades that you are good for you; repeat 10x full breaths ( “Inhale” – abdomen, chest, collarbone, then “Exhale” – collarbone, chest, abdomen; if you cannot do it, breathe easily as long as you feel comfortable here).
While you are breathing make sure that your hands are above your head.
- This opens your chest, reduces the pressure on your lungs and at the same time you are breathing more easily and more efficiently.
- When you do this breathing technique, it opens all air lines and reduces the tension in your lungs.
- Now your lungs work at 100% of their capacity.
These practices you can do at once or separately for 10-15 minutes a day. Bear in mind that when you start, you don’t miss the time you’ve set for then. Just by determination and commitment, you can get the results. This is relevant for all aspects of our life.
The complete sequence of exercises you can find in my youtube channel on the following link:
Illustration of results:

When we stand, sit or even lie down, the blood that reaches lower parts our lungs because of the gravity. In principle our blood is pumped from our heart into our lungs. Then in the alveoli of our lungs, the oxygen from the air we breathe is absorbed into our blood, and the carbon dioxide from our blood is carried out into the air in our lungs. Unfortunately, this exchange does not occur evenly on the surface of our lungs.[10]
Even though this is not an issue, it is said that the bottom parts of our lungs have larger surface for gas exchange. Therefore, the upper parts of our lungs stay with lower amount of gas exchanged than the inferior parts of our lungs.[10]
However, from the images you can see the blood supply when we are up-right and the complete blood supply to almost all the parts of our lungs when we are heading-down.[10]
- Encourages the blood flow from lower limps and parts of your body to your heart and lungs, and supplying them with oxygen.[11] Consequently, this becoming a natural prevention for heart attacks and strokes;
- The sinuses got cleared;
- Draining the lungs from fluid, especially for people with cystic fibrosis;[12]
- Your breathing becomes much easier, as, when you are breathing while being upside down, your diaphragm with a time is getting stronger;[13]
- There is less pressure on the lungs, while we are upturned;[9]
- Reduces stress, anxiety and doubt, which is a consequence of our unconscious cessation of breathing, which stops pure oxygen our lungs;[9]
- After being speechless you are becoming an orator as your larynx relaxes and opens;[4]
All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.
- People with heart disease, high blood pressure, glaucoma and other health issues is advisable to first check with you doctor or physical practitioner before starting inversions;
- For women, who are in their pregnancy, is recommended to avoid inverting;
- Do not do inversion after injuries, operations or though the recovery period after you gave a birth;
Final Thoughts
It is know that inversion therapy is great mean for back pain relief and curing, and spinal discs decompression. Moreover, it makes your body healthier and more energized.
Not just that, but with this therapy you will also have healthy lungs and you will breathe a lot more effectively than before.
Additionally, it helps the self-cleansing process of your lungs and maintains their complete capacity.
From which the work of your heart and your brain will improve, as well.
Which, in turn, will make you more alive, more aware, far more positive and more useful for yourself and all your loved ones.
Along with that, you will live one creative, healthy and happy life.