Dear Reader!
Here, with you, we will explore some methods for keeping your liver and gallbladder clean, healthy and strong by using inversion therapy.
So, what are your Liver and Gallbladder?
What is their purpose and how they work?
How the Inversion Therapy helps them?
Your liver is the largest organ in your body. It regulates your blood flow and blood storage in it. It is considered as the other major blood organ along with your heart, which job the circulation of your blood.[1]
Your gallbladder is like the co-pilot to your liver, which helps it functioning more efficiently. The main role of the gallbladder is to store and concentrate bile, a yellow-brown digestive enzyme produced by the liver. This enzyme releases from your gallbladder to help your gut process the food you’ve taken, more easily.[2]
Using inversion therapy improves the functioning of your liver and gallbladder, which happens spontaneously through decompression and re-alignment while you are upside down. [3]
I have included some illustrations so you could easily grasp the anatomy of your liver and gallbladder:





Moreover, for your deep understanding I added scientifically based videos:
- Biology of the Liver and Gallbladder, by Merck Manuals: []
- What does the liver do?, by Emma Bryce: []
- Gross Anatomy of Gallbladder: Composition, Blood supply and Nerve Supply, by Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animate Medical Videos: []
What Not to Do
- Alcohol – the main cause of liver disease;[9]
- Added sugar – increases the amount of fat that accumulates in the liver, and makes your gallbladder working hard;[9]
- White pasta and white bread – raises your blood sugar because of the lack of fibers for your liver and gallbladder;[9]
- Red meat in reasonable amount if cannot be cut – beef, pork and delicacies are high in saturated fat, which makes it difficult for your liver and gallbladder to work;[9]
- Try to reduce smoking and if you can, stop it – some studies show that with smoking you can develop a liver cancer. This can also increase the toxic effects on your liver, as well as some medicines, as paracetamol, could do;[10]
- Obesity – this is the main reason for developing so called fatty liver disease, and, additionally, stones in your gallbladder;[10]
- Eat fast food, fried food, canned food – makes it difficult for your liver and bile to work.
- Sedentary lifestyle – leads to lazy liver (ill liver) and causing the formation of gallstones in your gallbladder;
- Stress – manage stress and you will create a balanced state to your liver and gallbladder;[11]
What to Do
- Eat a healthy diet – it facilitates the work of your liver and bile;
- Be well hydrated – the liver and gallbladder cleansing processes becomes easy and more efficient;[12]
- Walking – synchronizes your overall weight, and simultaneously the excessive weight around your liver got reduced; additionally, eases the work of your gallbladder;[13]
- Exercise – while exercising, your sweating increases and toxins go out through your skin; and so the burden on your liver is reduced; also, the work of your gallbladder got relieved;[11]
- Swimming – reduces the amount of fat in the cells of your liver and restores the efficiency of your gallbladder;[14]
- Yoga poses for liver and gallbladder – ensures that oxygen and blood pass freely through them;[15] [16]
- Inversion therapy – improves good blood and oxygen circulation, which improves the functioning of your internal organs, including your liver and gallbladder;[17]
Nowadays, inversion therapy is using mainly for back pain and spinal problems. For centuries, however, this therapy has been used to treat the entire body, treated as an interconnected constitution, including the liver and gallbladder.[17]
By using inversion therapy, you stimulate and strengthening your liver and gallbladder, allowing them to clear all harmful toxins from your body.[15]
The most popular ways to practice inversion therapy are:
- Specific yoga poses;
- Aerial yoga;
- Gravity boots;
- Inversion chairs;
- Inversion tables;
Since most often I’ve been using the last method on the list for my inversion practices, I will show you some ways to improve the work of your liver and gallbladder with inversion table.
With the following exercises, physical and breathing, on the inversion bench, we will alleviate and improve the work of our liver and gallbladder:
V1 – Warn Up: []
We are begging with warming up to open and increase blood and lymphatic circulation to and from your liver and gallbladder:
- Starting with swinging, at least 5x repetitions;
- Then relax and release all tensions for at least 3x full breaths at 20, 40, 60 degrees or fully inverted;
V2 – Exercise1: []
Twisting on the right, then on the left with open arms and your hips fixed on the table. This is one round.
Try to do at least 5x rounds.
Results: It opens the area around the liver and bile, relaxing the tense muscles and internal cuts around them. It also improves blood circulation and oxygen supply in this area.
V3 – Exercise2: []
Now, while you are at the most comfortable for you incline of 20 or 40 degrees, put your right hand so as it is touching the back of the board. Your elbow is above your head.
Your left hand is going under the board on your waist lever.
Remain here for at least 5x full breaths.
Repeat the same on the other side – your left hand is on the top, right hand under your waist.
Results: as for Exercise1
V4 – Calming breathing: []
For calming yourself, until you are on you most convenient for you slope, will finish with:
- 5x full deep breaths;
- After that with 3x alternate nostril breathes;
Results: Relieves the work of your liver and gallbladder.
Note: To take full advantage of this, try to do all four exercises, one after the other, without interruption.
The complete sequence of exercises you can find in my youtube channel on the following link:
If you ask yourself why I should do all these stuff with inversion therapy?
The answer is:
- Because the gravity helps me do all these exercises with ease.
- Moreover, my entire body – muscles, joints, internal organs, including my liver and gallbladder, and fluid circulation, are in complete rest.
- Therefore, I will take it as the long waited restorative rest for my whole body.
All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.
- For those of you with high blood pressure or any other cardiovascular conditions, please ask your doctor for their approval whether or not to use inversion therapy;
- If are having some historical or present brain conditions, please consult with the medical specialist and neurologist before start practicing this therapy;
- Check with your doctor or physical practitioner if you have glaucoma and other health issues before starting inversions;
- For pregnant women it is recommended to avoid inverting;
- This is strongly recommended for those of you who have recently had injuries or surgery to start with inversion therapy, only after your full recovery;
You should not ignore the fact that your liver performs many metabolic and regulatory functions for your body, with a little help from his little friend – your gallbladder.[18]
And with the aid of this effective, affordable and time-saving method – inversion therapy, you will help your organs to be clean, healthy, strong and perfectly functioning.
As a result, you can be sure that you will enjoy a much fuller life filled with good health, joy and happiness.