Recovering after Working Out with Inversion Therapy

Have you ever felt sore and unable to move easily after long work outs?

If yes, you are on the right place.

Here are some adjustments you can do on the inversion table for removing all the blockages in your back, joints and muscles, which had arose after working out.

1. Warm up

  • We will start with 10x swings

Results: Preparing your body for the practice; Relaxing your muscle groups; Balancing your breath;

2. Extending the Spine and Relaxing Muscle and Joint Groups:

  • Stay upside down, on your back, for 10 full breaths
  • Cross one arm over your chest and grab the frame and stay here for 5 full breaths
  • Repeat it to the other side

Results: Relaxing your muscles

3. On the fixed angle of the inversion table, 40 or 60 degrees, extend your arms:

  • From here with right hand grab the wrist of the opposite, left, hand and start pulling it; while doing that take 5 slow full breaths, and feel how the gravity extending all the muscles and joint of your left hand.
  • Change the hands and repeat it;

Results: Stretching and extending your muscles and removing the stiffness in your joints

4. Yet you are still at this slope, interlock your hands behind your neck.

  • Turn to the right, trying to keep your whole body in one plane, and take 5 full breaths
  • Return to the center
  • Now turn to the left, and aging, trying to keep your whole body in one plane, and take 5 full breaths.
  • Back to the center and relax

Results: Extending and relaxing your side muscle groups around your neck, shoulders and spine; Releasing the tension in your hip joints

Return to the starting position and lie on the inversion table with your belly on it.

5. Now we will repeat the previous exercise:

  • Interlock your hands behind your neck;
  • Turn to the right, trying to keep your whole body in one plane, and take 5 full breaths;
  • Return to the center;
  • Now turn to the left, and aging, trying to keep your whole body in one plane, and take 5 full breaths;
  • Back to the center and relax;

Results: With this exercise you not only extending and relaxing your side muscle groups and releasing the tension in your hip joints, but also have more intense stretching on your hamstrings

6. Relaxing Exercises:

  • As we are fully inverted we stay here for at least 10 full complete breaths to relax all your body.

7. To finish this session:

  • We will fix the table on 20 or 40 degrees and will relax here for at least 3 minutes.

Unfix the table and slowly go back to the starting position.

Note: This practice will help not only sports people but also people who spend long time sitting or lying.

Here is a link with the demonstration of the exercises:


All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.


  1. Consult with your medical practitioner before starting the inversion therapy;
  2. For those of you with high blood pressure or any other cardiovascular conditions, please ask your doctor for their approval whether or not to use inversion therapy;
  3. If are having some historical or present brain conditions, please consult with the medical specialist and neurologist before start practicing this therapy;
  4. Check with your doctor or physical practitioner if you have glaucoma and other health issues before starting inversions;
  5. For pregnant women it is recommended to avoid inverting;
  6. This is strongly recommended for those of you who have recently had injuries or surgery to start with invasion therapy, only after your full recovery;


Even though the work outs are really good for your body strength, most of the time after that you feel stiff.

Eventually, with Inversion Therapy you can remove all the stiffness form your body, and afterwards fell relaxed.

What’s more, Inversion Therapy is the easiest, the most effective and the least expensive method, you can ever find.