Inversion Therapy for Blocked Neck and Neck Pain

Dear All

Do you know:

  1. How is your Neck working?

There are range of muscles, fascia and nerves connecting to your neck, which make possible the motion of your head.

For clarity I choose the video where your can see in detail how your neck is working.[1]

  1. What can cause pain and blockage or pain in your neck?

There are a lot numbers of causes of neck pain, that’s why I will mention the most common ones[2]:

  • Bad posture
  • Excessive use of neck muscles
  • Pinched nerve
  • Injuries
  • Herniated discs
  • Spinal stenosis
  1. How can we treat neck pain and neck blockages?

  • Surgery
  • Yoga
  • Physiotherapy and Massages
  • Manual treatments
  • Acupuncture
  • Inversion therapy

Exercises on Inversion table for eliminating your neck pain and removing your neck blockages.

Warm up:

We are going to start with 3 slow swings and continue with 10 more, faster swings.


  • Warming up your joint and muscle groups and the whole your body
  • Preparing for the practice


While fully inverted tuck your chin to chest and gazing your nose, take 10 full breaths.


  • Retraction of your neck
  • Relaxing your neck muscles
  • Removing the blockages in your neck

From here we will return on the tale, with your belly down.


Place your elbows under your shoulders, in so called sphinx position. Gaze at your nose.

  1. Start slowly moving your head up and down.
  2. Move your head up with inhaling.
  3. Move your head down with exhaling.
  4. We doing this exercise at least 5 times


  • Relaxing the side and back muscles of your neck
  • Reducing the pressure on you neck vertebra
  • Creating distance between the vertebrae on cervical are of your spine


Now we will place our palms under our shoulder, with fingers facing forward in so called upward facing dog position, with eyes gazing your nose.

We are going to perform the same patter as we did in the previous exercise with some modifications:

  1. Move your head up with inhaling.
  2. Whilst moving the head down with exhaling, we are turning it at the right and facing backwards as far as we can.
  3. Move your head up with inhaling.
  4. Then moving the head down with exhaling, we are turning it at the left and facing backwards as far as we can.
  5. This is a 1 set
  6. We are doing 5 repetitions


  • Stretching the side and back muscles of your neck
  • Reducing the pressure on you neck vertebra
  • Creating distance between the vertebrae on cervical are of your spine

Relax for few breaths and then we will return with our back on the table.

Exercise4: This is a breathing technique called Brahma Mudra [3][4]

We go to the most comfortable angle of inversion and will fix the table on it. Then we will put our hands next to our body, with elbows facing down and palms facing upwards.

  1. Slowly, while inhaling and staring at the tip of your nose, start turning your head to the right as far as you can, without tension.
  2. Then, when exhaling, and keep on staring at the tip of your nose, return your head to the center.
  3. Repeat this to the left.
  4. After that, inhaling, take your head up, while still looking at the tip or your nose.
  5. Start exhaling and return back to the center.
  6. Finally, inhaling, star moving you head down and at the same time moving your eyes up to the point between your eyebrows and your chin reaches your collarbone.
  7. When star exhaling, slowly return you head to the center and your eyes gazing the tip of your nose.

On each inhalation and exhalation, go very slowly.

This is one round.

For your benefit do 3-5 repetitions.


  • This breathing technique is usually done in sitting or standing position. However, when you are upside down this, not just relaxes your neck and jaw muscles.

Exercise5: This is breathing exercises called Alternate nostril breathing [5] 

As you are in this position:

  1. We begin with complete inhalation through the left nostril by occluding the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand.
  2. Next, plug the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale through the right.
  3. Inhale through the right nostril.
  4. Relax the ring finger, plug the right nostril with the thumb and exhale through the left nostril.

This is one round.

Repeat 3 to 5 rounds.

Note: Here you can use even full breathing or 1:2 full breathing. With the 1:2 full breathing your entire body got more relaxed.


Alternate nostril breathing calms all your body and mind and relaxing your muscles, including your neck muscles.

Unfix the table and slowly go back to the starting position.

Here is a link with the demonstration of the exercises:


All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.


  1. Consult with your medical practitioner before starting the inversion therapy;
  2. For those of you with high blood pressure or any other cardiovascular conditions, please ask your doctor for their approval whether or not to use inversion therapy;
  3. If are having some historical or present brain conditions, please consult with the medical specialist and neurologist before start practicing this therapy;
  4. Check with your doctor or physical practitioner if you have glaucoma and other health issues before starting inversions;
  5. For pregnant women it is recommended to avoid inverting;
  6. This is strongly recommended for those of you who have recently had injuries or surgery to start with invasion therapy, only after your full recovery;

Final thoughts

Inversion therapy help your body recover from the overwhelming pressure of gravity, as well as the stress of daily activities.

Additionally, Inversion therapy reduces the pressure on your joints and muscle and, thus helping for extending, relaxing your neck and removing all blockages from this area.

As a consequence of which, you will have a calm mind and your nervous system.

Last but not the least, the Inversion therapy is the least time consuming, giving the fastest recovery from your back pain and, from my point of view, the cheapest of all other therapies.

