Exercises for Blocked or Overloaded Knees with the Use of Inversion Therapy

Dear All!

Have you ever felt a pain or numbness in your knees?

Did you have an experience of blockage in your knees?

Have you ever had a feeling of swelling around your knees?

If the answer on any of these questions is yes, so this material will be beneficial for you!


Because when you use inversion therapy there will be no pressure on your knees and the gravity will do its job to help you getting rid of your knees issues.

How the inversion therapy helps us having pain free knees?

First of all let’s see what is inversion therapy?

This therapy isn’t a new concept in the medicine field. In fact, the father of medicine (Hippocrates), observed that what is now known as inversion therapy as early as 400 BC.

As the name suggests, Inversion therapy is the type of therapy whereby the individual is bottom up for several minutes with an aim to relieve back pain, refresh their brain and remove other health conditions.

Since your body is suspended upside-down blood circulation is increasing and freely reaching the upper organs, and therefore increased oxygen and nutrients supply to these organs – in our case to the brain.

At the same time the function of the lymphatic system of the whole body, and here for those lymph nodes and channels around your neck and back of your head, reinvigorated.

Tools to use:

  • Aerial yoga;
  • Gravity boots;
  • Inversion tables;

I will give you some guidance on the inversion table. This is because I use one.

Moreover, this could be used by anyone, regardless of their age, mobility and fitness.

Furthermore, the inversion table could be put anywhere you want and some models could be brought everywhere you go.

Sequences of exercises on inversion table:

1. Swinging down and up:

  • While we are up our hands are next to our body.
  • At the moment we start swinging down, our hands gradually open, forming circle trajectory until they got above our head and we are completely inverted.
  • The breathe pattern is as follows: when the head is down (we are upside down) – Inhale; when the head is up (we are up) – Exhale.
  • Start with 10 repetitions and gradually increase them to the number you feel fine.


  • This prepare your body for the practice;
  • Relaxing your muscle groups and joint;
  • Gradually remove the pressure on your knees;
  • Start hydrating your knee joints;

2. Stay upside down:

  • We now going to stay upside down for 25 full breaths on the most comfortable stance for you – 20,30,40,60 or 90 degrees;
  • When we begin to the use of inversion table, we can star with being on 20 degrees for one to three minutes.
  • After getting accustomed, you can stay for longer time, from five to ten minutes, and on higher degrees – 40, 60 or 90.


  • You will experience the reduction of any tension and pain in your knees;

If your body is familiar with inversion, you can continue with the next exercises which will be with facing the table.

3. Now, while you are at the most preferable for you slope, will remain here for 25 full breaths.


  • You will experience the relaxation of the muscles around your knees;
  • There will be extension in your knee joints;

4. From here:

  • Place your hands next to your chest, with elbows and arms close to your torso;
  • Inhale and straight your arms, lift your head and chest upwards, with gaze between your eyebrows;
  • Stay here for at least 5 full breaths, with your exhalation is twice and long as you inhalation;
  • Then release and relax for few breaths;
  • Raise up, putting the palm of your right hand in the middle of the table, on your shoulders level, and left hand reaching up the sky;
  • Take 5 full breathes;
  • Then switch hands and repeat the same for 5 full breaths;
  • After that, relax and ease off, for 5 to 10 full breaths;


  • You will experience the elongation of the muscles around your knees;
  • There will be stretch in your knee joints;

I would recommend taking the practice in the morning before breakfast, and in the evening before the dinner, on empty stomach.

The demonstration of the practice you can find on the following link on my youtube channel: https://youtu.be/Gr4_vQu9KO4



All information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical care. That’s why always follow the instructions of your healthcare professional in prior starting the inversion therapy.


  1. Consult with your medical practitioner before starting the inversion therapy;
  2. For those of you with high blood pressure or any other cardiovascular conditions, please ask your doctor for their approval whether or not to use inversion therapy; 
  3. If  are having some historical or present brain conditions, please consult with the medical specialist and neurologist before start practicing this therapy;
  4. Check with your doctor or physical practitioner if you have  glaucoma and other health issues before starting inversions;
  5. For pregnant women it is recommended to avoid inverting;
  6. This is strongly recommended for those of you who have recently had injuries or surgery to start with invasion therapy, only after your full recovery;
  7. If you have an artificial knees joint or splints, it is not a good idea to use inversion therapy;


With a constant use of the inversion table, you will gain unique results for your knees.

The inversion therapy, I believe, is probably the safest – in terms of injuries, effective – as proven by its historical use and the most inexpensive of all means for keeping your knees healthy.

What’s more, if you use the inversion therapy, whether as a primary or additional device, you will enjoy one healthy and happy life.